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Holiday LAST CHANCE! $12.50 Tees + Everything on Sale! Prices as marked. $12.50 price applies to select styles. Ends 12/09 at 5 PM CST.

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About Cereal At Midnight's Shop

Cereal At Midnight

United States

Discovering and exploring the coolest in pop culture past and present through movies, music, comics, and more. Pour another bowl...sunrise is still hours away!

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Discovering and exploring the coolest in pop culture past and present through movies, music, comics, and more. Pour another bowl...sunrise is still hours away!

Cereal At Midnight is dedicated to discovering and exploring the coolest stuff from pop culture! It's about movies and music and comics, but it's also about finding and exploring wonderful, offbeat destinations! It's about celebrating the unusual and the unsung with no irony at all. The name is designed to convey the feeling you get from staying up until the wee hours of the morning, munching on a bowl of your favorite cereal while you watch cartoons, science fiction movies, and classic horror films. From the videos on YouTube to the written reviews and articles at, we're dedicated to preserving magic and wonder in our everyday lives!

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